Note: This article is a companion piece and is intended to be read alongside Trump or Biden: Does It Really Matter?
Let me begin by stating that I am not political. My allegiance does not lie with the Republican or Democrat party because, as a follower of Christ, my citizenship is not of this world. Philippians 3:20 reminds us, “Our citizenship is in heaven, and we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.” Jesus Himself declared, “My kingdom is not of this world” (Jn 18:36), meaning that the Church is called to be seperate from the governments of this world and their ideologies, even when they appear to favor Christianity.
Additionally, this article is not intended to disparage or dishonor the office of the presidency. Scripture teaches us to respect governing authorities since they are instituted by God (Rom 13:1-2). Furthermore, we are commanded to pray for all who are in positions of power and authority, “that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence” (1 Tim 2:1-2).
So what is the purpose of this article, and why am I writing about Donald Trump? As the Bible reveals, Satan is the temporary ruler of this age (Jn 12:31; 2 Cor 4:4), and his ultimate aim is to deceive and lead God’s people astray. Scripture warns that “Satan himself transforms into an angel of light” (2 Cor 11:14), meaning he can appear righteous while using subtle tactics to deceive. Jesus also cautioned that in the last days, “false Christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect” (Mat 24:24). Finally, 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 warns that those who do not love the truth will be handed over to a powerful delusion. I am deeply concerned that Donald Trump may be part of this global deception, leading many to place their hope in a worldly "savior" rather than in Christ alone. As we witness the unfolding of events pointing to the Great Tribulation (Mat 24:21) and the Day of the Lord (Joel 2:31; 2 Pet 3:10), it's imperative that the Church remains vigilant. This is why I believe it's crucial to approach the events of our time with discernment.
The purpose of this article, therefore, is to warn God’s people about the antichrist deception that Satan will orchestrate through the political systems of this world. This calls for hard-hitting questions about the actions and political affiliations within Trump’s presidency, as well as a closer examination of the true intentions behind Trump and the individuals surrounding him. As such, I will attempt to address these concerns in the following sections.
Are we to believe that the political system is broken and controlled by a shadowy deep state—mainly Democrats—and that the swamp must be drained? Or are we expected to believe the "red wave" narrative, where the people's voice has been heard, leading to the triumphant victory of their chosen candidate? So, which is it? Is the system rigged, or is it only broken when the Republicans lose? This contradiction is glaring, yet no one is pointing it out. It can't be both ways, and that's precisely the problem...
In my opinion, things are unfolding far too neatly, and right on script. The real deep state wants the masses, especially Christians, to passively believe this is all organic and authentic—it isn’t. Trump wasn’t elected; he was pre-selected (see here and here for proof). This has been in motion for a long time. The cradle keeps rocking—right, left, then right again—all the while sinking us deeper into their web of control. Trump’s role was clear from the very start: create the Covid vaccine, oversee censorship, and enforce draconian measures, all while appealing to, and placating the opposition—Conservatives. And he pulled it off. Somehow, he still hasn’t been held accountable for his horrendous actions throughout 2020. Additionally, he continues to promote the vaccine, yet conservatives continue to rally behind him. Why? Because the extreme actions of the Left push them to embrace anyone who stands against its hideous ideology. Yet this too is part of the New World Order, and only spiritual discernment can see it. Sadly, many Christians lack spiritual discernment right now.
Trump's "vote, vote, vote" initiative was aimed squarely at Christians for a reason. The propaganda machine wants it to be crystal clear: Trump was the hero Christians really wanted, and they got him. For a while, he’ll do exactly what the Church expects—roll back wokeness, push for morality laws, and make America seemingly "Christian" again (see Project 2025). But soon, his mask will slip and his true colors will show. He’ll again play the role of the enforcer, bringing in even more draconian measures—a cashless economy, digital IDs, and AI transhumanism replete with a Neurolink brain chip for all. This will come in response to a new planedemic, economic collapse, or some other global crisis.
Christians will find themselves trapped. Their chosen leader, who they trusted so completely, will be unveiled as the Trojan horse he always was. When the fallout hits, the leftist media will gleefully remind everyone that Christians put him there, and conservative media will leave the Church without an escape. Many pastors will have painted Trump as a savior, forcing Christians into a devastating double bind.
When Trump reveals himself as the false savior he’s always been, it will be too late. Christians will face persecution, mockery, and division. The Church will be discredited and fractured. Some believers, unwilling to admit they were deceived, will face a crisis of faith. The backlash will be intense, driving many away from the faith entirely.
The association between Christians and Trump will achieve its goal: silencing the Church and demonizing believers. As chaos reigns, a new "savior"—earthly and diabolical—will emerge to rescue the world from the wreckage. That’s the endgame: to turn the world against those who remain faithful to Christ and to destroy true belief. But there will be a remnant. A faithful few will see through the lies and refuse to bow to political idols. They will walk the narrow path as Scripture foretells, enduring persecution while the broader flock is scattered. The sword of truth will divide the faithful from the deceived, and only those who remain loyal to Christ will endure.
False consciousness is a Marxist concept that describes how the ruling class manipulates the beliefs of the working class to maintain power. By presenting the status quo as natural or beneficial, elites keep the oppressed unaware of their exploitation. In this case, the status quo is the existing social, political, and spiritual system, carefully designed to serve the elites' interests. One of the key tactics in this strategy is the creation of "safety valves," such as elections or symbolic leaders that allow dissatisfaction to be vented without challenging the underlying system. The left vs. right political paradigm plays directly into this, offering the illusion of choice while both sides quietly serve the same overarching agenda. Public clashes between Democrats and Republicans are merely a theatrical spectacle, created to distract the masses from recognizing that both parties are united at the top and work in shifts to advance the globalist agenda. This staged rivalry ensures that systemic evils remain untouched, pacifying the people and preventing them from storming the "castle" where their true oppressors reside in safety.
Donald Trump’s presidency can be understood within this framework. His populist rhetoric and outsider persona served as a safety valve for widespread discontent, channeling frustration toward a false enemy—the Democrats—while ultimately preserving the deeper structures of power. The political spectacle—where Democrats and Republicans appear locked in bitter conflict—is part of the hoax. It placates the masses with the illusion of democratic choice while keeping them divided and distracted. This strategy is a key tactic in covert psychological operations because it ensures societal control without direct conflict, enabling the elites to wage war against the common American patriot without firing a single bullet. The people feel represented, but the levers of control remain firmly in the hands of the elite.
Ultimately, Christians are the primary target of this grand deception, as the antichrist is explicitly at war with the Church (Rev 12:17, Dan 7:25). This explains why Trump has so vigorously appealed to the Church, presenting himself as a staunch defender of Christianity. The underlying goal is to deceive even the Elect, if possible, and lead them to accept the mark of the beast (Mat 24:24, Rev 13:16-17). By maintaining this illusion of political choice, the elites lay the groundwork for a global system of allegiance to the antichrist, where spiritual discernment is suppressed, and resistance to the beast system becomes increasingly marginalized.
Controlled opposition refers to the strategy where a seemingly opposing force or movement is, in reality, controlled by the same powers that it claims to oppose. This tactic ensures that no matter how much the opposition appears to challenge the status quo, it ultimately reinforces the established order. It creates the illusion of choice, conflict, and dissent, all while maintaining the same underlying control. The purpose is to co-opt and neutralize genuine resistance, making sure that any significant challenge to the system is either diffused or contained.
Trump’s presidency is a prime example of controlled opposition. His populist appeal and posturing as an outsider was viewed as opposition to the elites, yet his administration ultimately operated within the same broader system of power. Trump himself, while championing causes important to many Americans, functioned as a form of controlled opposition—redirecting frustration and discontent while ultimately ensuring that the elites’ control over the political system remained largely unchallenged. This is part of a broader scheme where the elites play both sides, using controlled opposition to manage and manipulate the masses, keeping the real agenda intact while defusing any genuine challenge to it.
In relation to the Church, the concept of controlled opposition also applies. The Church, in this case, is the target of this manipulation—where leaders or movements that appear to defend Christianity may be serving a different agenda. As elites leverage political figures like Trump to appeal to the Church, they are subtly guiding believers toward supporting a system that, while appearing to uphold Christian values, ultimately advances their antichrist-aligned agenda. In this way, Christians are not only manipulated by external powers but also by controlled opposition within their own ranks.
The Hegelian Dialectic is a philosophical framework developed by German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, which describes the process of development through the interaction of contradictions. In this framework, historical and ideological progression occurs in three stages: thesis, antithesis, and synthesis.
Thesis: A dominant idea or status quo.
Antithesis: A direct opposition or challenge to that idea.
Synthesis: The resolution of the tension between thesis and antithesis, producing a new stage that incorporates elements of both.
While this dialectical process is often associated with the development of ideas in philosophy, it has also been co-opted as a tool of political manipulation. In political contexts, the Hegelian Dialectic can be used deliberately to create controlled conflict, pushing society toward a desired outcome while maintaining the illusion of freedom and choice.
In the context of American politics, the Trump vs. Democrats spectacle offers a perfect example of the Hegelian Dialectic in action. Here's how it unfolds:
Thesis (The Democrats): The Democratic Party represents the "thesis" in the dialectic. It champions progressive policies—such as strong government intervention, climate change action, and social equality in the form of "wokeness" (LGBTQ+ rights). The Democrats push for a large, interventionist government that is seen as working for the common good of the people. However, this type of government is perceived by the Republicans as socialism.
Antithesis (Donald Trump and the Republicans): Donald Trump, as the leader of the Republican Party, became the "antithesis" to the Democrats. His populist rhetoric, characterized by calls for smaller government, traditional values, and nationalism, positioned him as the opposition to the left's progressive agenda. Trump’s rise presented itself as a direct challenge to the establishment, offering an alternative to the Democratic-led status quo.
Synthesis (The Globalist Agenda): The "synthesis" here is not a true resolution of the conflict, but rather a manipulated outcome. This dialectical process, where Trump and the Democrats appear to be locked in a bitter conflict, ultimately funnels society in the direction of the false solution where often the synthesis is a special combination of both the thesis and anthesis. It is important to note that in this outcome, neither the ideologies of the Democrats or Republicans represent the ultimate solution, but a combination of both.
Donald Trump, Bill Gates, & Covid Collusion
Donald Trump has had an interesting relationship with Bill Gates that few are aware of. For instance, back in 2016, Trump and Gates met together to scheme up a plan for developing a universal flu vaccine, which is a perfect description of the COVID shot. Notice:
“Bill Gates' meeting with Donald Trump included a surprising offer: a job for the Microsoft co-founder in the White House. ...In addition to the potential job offer, Gates also spoke to Trump about a universal flu vaccine. That conversation was probably 'the longest conversation about a universal flu vaccine that the president’s ever had,' Gates told Stat. ...While it is unclear if the president will act on the idea, Gates recalls Trump being rather interested, so much so that he called FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb with Gates in the room to get his perspective” (see here).
But it wasn't the first time Trump and Gates had such a meeting. In fact, they met again in 2018, but kept their meeting closed to the press (see here). So was this all a mere blunder by the president, a lapse in good judgement? Or was it deliberate and calculated? And could it be that Operation Warp Speed is the result of Trump and Gates' long standing plan to create a universal flu vaccine like that for COVID? Sadly, politicians like Trump are often incredibly corrupt and care very little for the health and safety of the general public. So when millions of Americans were coerced into receiving an improperly tested vaccine (see here and here) to help cure a virus with a survival rate of over 99% (see here and here) those of us who knew what was coming expected it.
Perhaps the best evidence that the Covid pandemic was a premeditated event and that Trump and his administration were planning for the fast deployment of a universal flu vaccine several years prior to 2020 is contained in the following three notable points of proof:
A 2017 Bloomberg Article: Published on March 10, 2017, titled "A Miracle Within Trump’s Reach: Universal Flu Vaccine: The president vowed to speed miracle drug development. But his strategy isn’t enough to beat the next pandemic." This article discusses Trump’s expressed commitment to accelerating the development of a universal flu vaccine (think Warp Speed).
The Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act (PAHPAIA): Signed into law in June 2019, this legislation emphasized bolstering the nation's preparedness for biological threats, including accelerating medical countermeasure development.
Executive Order 13887: Issued in September 2019, titled "Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health," this directive explicitly called for improving flu vaccine technologies to enhance readiness against future pandemics.
So it should come as no surprise that Jesuit trained Dr. Anthony Fauci (see here) was able to so accurately predict "a surprise outbreak" in Trump's administration as early as 2017 (see here).
Few people realize that, in June of 2020, Trump publicly endorsed Gavi in the most glowing terms possible (see below video). More significantly, he pledged $1.16 billion to this organization while in attendance at the Global Vaccine Summit, reinforcing the U.S.'s support for global immunization efforts. But what is Gavi? Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, was founded in 2000 through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which provided an initial grant of $750 million to help launch the organization. Gavi's stated mission is to increase vaccination rates worldwide. Its founding partners include key global health organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the World Bank. If nothing else, Trump's staunch support for Gavi is a reminder of his unfailing commitment to globalist agencies of power.
Note: In light of the Vatican's globalist agenda, it is extremely noteworthy that the Roman Catholic Church was the first institution in world history to launch an organized vaccine campaign over 200 years ago (see here and here). During a smallpox epidemic in the early 19th century, Pope Pius VII unleashed a large-scale vaccination initiative across the Papal States. A decree issued in 1822, under Cardinal Secretary of State Ercole Consalvi, described the smallpox vaccine as a gift of divine providence and mandated its widespread administration. This campaign included the establishment of a Central Vaccination Commission to oversee its implementation and ensure access to vaccines throughout the region, including for the poor and prisoners. Anyone who refused to participate was severely punished and suffered the loss of all their privileges (see here and here). Considering this history, it's hardly surprising that Jesuit pope Francis became one of the first leaders to mandate the COVID vaccine (see here). Or that he personally hosted a secret meeting with Pfizer's CEO twice during the pandemic (see here) and created the Vatican's COVID-19 Commission, which collaborated with various stakeholders to ensure global vaccine distribution.
Julian Assange & Trump
Julian Assange is the founder of Wikileaks, a non-profit organization dedicated to publishing news leaks that expose the deep corruption within government. Ironically, Trump praised Wikileaks on the campaign trail over 100 times when it exposed Hillary Clinton’s illegal activity (see here). But then in 2019, Trump decided he no longer liked Assange and arranged for his arrest (see here and here). When asked about Wikileaks following Assange’s arrest in April of 2019, Trump said “I know nothing about Wikileaks,” and added that, “It’s really not my thing” (see here). The U.S. is currently pursuing a 175-year prison sentence against Assange.
Note: It is alleged that the following picture diagram, detailing the connection of mainstream media to special interest organizations, was published by Julian Assange just before his arrest. The only element Assange left out of his diagram, which I consider to be the most relevant, is a higher tier above the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission, reserved for the true elite globalist controllers—Vatican Rome. Nevertheless, I am reposting this image at my own risk.

Bill Clinton & Trump

Donald Trump's relationship with the Clintons has spanned several decades, which is why Bill and Hillary Clinton were VIP guests at Trump and Melania's 2005 wedding (see here here, and here). Likewise, Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton were also known to be very close friends for many years (see here). The billionaire businessman has, over the years, given at least $100,000 to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation and made multiple large cash donations to Hillary Clinton’s various political campaigns, including her '08 run for presidency (see here). Yet beyond their cozy relationship and Trump's financial contributions to the Clintons' political campaigns is a far more surprising fact directly tied to Trump's 2015 presidential bid. In May of 2015, President Bill Clinton (Jesuit educated at Georgetown University) is reported to have encouraged Donald Trump to play a more active role in that year's Republican campaign, as highlighted by The Washington Post and Newsweek:
"Nine months ago, The Washington Post reported that on a private, casual phone call last spring, Bill Clinton encouraged Trump to play a larger role in the Republican Party. That conversation reportedly took place in May 2015, a month after Hillary Clinton declared her 2016 presidential bid and just weeks before Trump announced his" (see here and here).
Henry Kissinger & Trump
Henry Kissinger is famous for his role in shaping U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War era and his involvement in controversial decisions, such as the bombing campaigns in Cambodia and the support of authoritarian regimes in Latin America. He worked directly for Bill Clinton's administration and is commonly labeled as a "New World Order" croney because of his deep ties to the UN, consistent promotion of uber globalist policies (see his book on shaping the New World Order), and his membership in the infamous Bilderberg Group. Suffice it to say, he has been a key player in working to establish global governance for many decades (see here, here, and here).
Trump's close relationship with Henry Kissinger is a very disturbing feature of his first presidency. Kissinger has had a long relationship with Donald Trump, which dates back to the early years of Trump’s political career. Their relationship especially deepened as Trump prepared for his 2016 presidential run. Kissinger became a trusted advisor to Trump, offering council on foreign policy matters, particularly in regards to international relations and geopolitical strategies. Kissinger’s support for Trump grew over the course of Trump's first presidency, and he was seen as a key figure in Trump's foreign policy network, especially regarding his approaches to China, Russia, and the Middle East. Kissinger's influence during Trump's presidency was so significant that Trump frequently praised Kissinger's expertise in global affairs.
Note: Henry Kissinger has had significant ties to Georgetown University, which has strong historical connections to the Catholic Church and the Jesuit order. Georgetown is the oldest Catholic and Jesuit institution of higher education in the United States with a history for training individuals for prominent roles in global diplomacy and government, including figures like Kissinger. Kissinger served as a distinguished professor at Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service.
The Rothschilds & Trump
Trump was rescued out of bankruptcy by a number of prominent business men, one of whom was Wilbur Ross (see here). Interestingly enough, Ross was Jesuit educated and later became the head of Rothschild Inc’s bankruptcy advisory team for many years, which made him Jacob Rothschild's right hand man (see here and here). After fostering a decades long relationship with Donald Trump, he was appointed to the position of U.S. Secretary of Commerce in 2017 (see here). So why is this significant? The Rothschilds own one of the most powerful banking empires in the world and are listed as the "guardians of the papal treasure" in the Jewish Encyclopedia (see here). They were instrumental in loaning huge sums of money to the Vatican throughout their history (see here) and continue to finance Rome in steering world politics and erecting the New World Order (see here and here). The fact that Trump is so well connected to the Rothschilds by virtue of his relationship with Wilbur Ross says much about his connections to big power and corruption.
Michael Jackson & Trump
Trump and Michael Jackson were so close that Jackson was reportedly allowed to spend private time with Trump's children. According to Ivana Trump, Michael Jackson had an open invitation to visit the Trump Tower triplex, where he would often spend hours playing games with Ivanka, Donald Jr., and Eric. This friendly relationship was mentioned by both Ivana Trump in her memoir and Donald Trump Jr. in his book Triggered (see here). When allegations of sexual abuse involving children at his Neverland Ranch surfaced, no celebrity defended Michael Jackson more staunchly than Donald Trump, who consistently expressed his belief in Jackson's innocence and described him as a "good person" (see here).
Jeffrey Epstein & Trump
Jeffrey Epstein was a prominent billionaire and convicted sex offender. He was especially known for his involvement in a large-scale sex trafficking operation that lured underage girls to his private properties, including his infamous private island in the U.S. Virgin Islands, Little Saint James where the sexual abuse occurred. His relationship with Donald Trump and Bill Clinton is well established. In fact, both men flew on Epstein's private jet, the "Lolita Express," with Clinton using the flights for various "humanitarian" efforts. While Trump has distanced himself from Epstein after the latter’s 2008 conviction, reports show that Trump visited Epstein's island at least once and maintained a social relationship with him for years (see here, here, and here).
The existence of strange buildings on Epstein's island, including a temple-like structure that some have claimed could be associated with ritualistic purposes, has been confirmed by multiple media outlets (see here and here). This temple, which had a gold dome and a distinctive design, attracted much attention after Epstein’s arrest and the media's focus on the island's secrets.
Elon Musk & Trump
Elon Musk is on a spree of public appearances alongside President-elect Donald Trump. Dubbed by some as Trump’s “first buddy,” Musk has been tapped to co-lead the newly proposed Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE). But who is Elon Musk, and what is he known for?
Musk, a renowned billionaire, co-founded OpenAI in San Francisco in 2015 alongside Sam Altman and other collaborators. In 2020, Musk ventured into biotechnology, partnering with CureVac during the COVID-19 pandemic to create mRNA microfactories for the COVID vaccine (see here). His Boring Company is set to partner with CERN in the construction of their biggest ever particle collider (see here). It's worth mention that CERN’s current facility was built directly on top of the original cite of the ancient temple of Apollo, recorded by the book of Revelation as the location where the faithful servant Antipas was martyred (Rev 9:11).
Elon founded SpaceX in 2002. Since 2020, SpaceX has launched thousands of surveillance satellites into space on behalf of the U.S. government. These launches include missions for the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), which oversees the United States' fleet of classified spy satellites. For example, in 2024, SpaceX conducted several missions to deploy "next-gen spy satellites" under the NRO's "proliferated architecture" program (see here). Details about these satellites' specific functions remain classified. It's extremely noteworthy that SpaceX would not have existed was it not for Musk's special friendship with former NASA administrator Mike Griffin, who awarded Musk's space company hundreds of millions of dollars of government funding and contracts (see here and here). Who is Mike Griffin? A Jesuit educated Roman Catholic (see here) with deep ties to the US government and the CIA, specifically the CIA's In-Q-Tel program (see here).
Beyond SpaceX, Musk is also the founder of Neuralink, a company focused on creating brain-computer interfaces (microchips) aimed at merging human cognition with artificial intelligence—TRANSHUMANISM. Musk has also been vocal on global economic matters, advocating for universal basic income (UBI) at the World Government Summit (see here). Concerning UBI, a socialist form of government stipends, Musk is quoted as saying, "It's going to be necessary" (see here).
In 2022, Musk sparked widespread controversy by wearing a Baphomet-themed (Satanic) suit of armour for a red carpet event, fueling speculation about his ties to the occult (see here). Musk’s personal life has also drawn public scrutiny. He shares two children with Claire Elise Boucher, professionally known as "Grimes". Boucher's music is replete with Satanic themes, such as the song We Appreciate Power , which worships AI and transhumanism as though a god and calls for mankind to "submit" to it (see here). She is famous for her use of occult symbols, including a blatant Baphomet hand gesture during a 2022 goulish photo shoot for Vanity Fair (see here). Her X handle (formerly Twitter) claims that she is the "self-replicating AI minister of propaganda" (see here). In a now-infamous social media exchange, Grimes posted, "For my birthday, I'd like to make a faustian bargain with a demon, if anyone can organize this for me please", to which Elon Musk responded, "You rang?" (see here). She is also famous for making a public video praising communism, in which she gloates that "AI is the fastest path to communism" (see here and here). Their choice to name their daughter Exa Dark Sideræl Musk is yet another disturbing piece of evidence linking them to the occult (see here).
But it doesn't stop there. When Musk attended the 2018 MET Gala, he wore a white tuxedo jacket with the words "Novus Ordo Seclorum"—Latin for “New World Order”—emblazoned on the back (see here). Grimes, who accompanied him, wore a Vantablack crown, composed of the darkest color black available (see here).
Musk himself has shared some pretty cryptic content on his X account, including a November 6 post following Trump's election win that read, "Novus Ordo Seclorum" (see here). Questions have also arisen about Musk’s use of symbolism, like his choice to wear a necklace featuring the Greek letter Omega combined with the all seeing eye of Horus, while flanked by Trump (see here). The Greek letter Omega, symbolizing endings, contrasts with Alpha, which represents beginnings. Some claim that Musk was signaling to the public that the Omega point of the globalist agenda—the New World Order—has finally been reached. It is interesting that the mainstream media didn't fail to point this out, making sure the public was well aware of its symbolic implications (see here).
Note: Technocracy, the system of governance by experts in scientific and technological fields ("Big Tech"), has deep roots in Elon Musk's family. His maternal grandfather, Dr. Joshua Haldeman, was a member of Canada's Technocrat movement in the early 1900s. Haldeman is said to have helped co-author the playbook for technocratic rule in Canada. His involvement in the movement, viewed as politically subversive, led to his imprisonment by the Canadian government (see here and here). Given this legacy, Musk's involvement in technocratic ideals isn't much of a surprise.
Special Note: Elon Musk and his sons were recently pictured with pope Francis at the Vatican (see below picture). His recent meeting with the pope is another especially intriguing new development (see here). As usual, all roads lead to Rome...

Vivek Ramaswamy & Trump
Perhaps the most significant aspect of Vivek Ramaswamy's appointment to co-lead Trump's newly proposed Department of Government Efficiency is that he's Catholic and was previously educated at St. Xavier High School, a prestigious Catholic school in Cincinnati closely affiliated with the Jesuit order. Vivek Ramaswamy is also a prominent member of "Big Pharma". In 2014, he founded the pharmaceutical company Roivant Sciences, which became involved in the development of a COVID-19 vaccine (see here). Roivant collaborated with the pharmaceutical company Transnova to work on a vaccine in response to the pandemic (see here). The company developed a vaccine candidate based on an innovative approach using lipid nanoparticles to deliver mRNA, similar to the technology used by other vaccine developers like Pfizer and Moderna. Ramaswamy's Roivant Sciences also worked on other therapeutic areas, focusing on biotechnology innovations (see here). In June 2022, Roivant and Pfizer unveiled Priovant Therapeutics and are officially collaborating in the arena of infectious disease treatments (see here).
Note: Earlier this year, Ramaswamy flew to the Vatican to meet with pope Francis and praised the pope as a global peacemaker (see here).

Peter Thiel, JD Vance, & Trump
Peter Thiel is the co-founder of Palantir Technologies, which specializes in data analytics, especially in relation to government operations. Palantir is deeply connected to the U.S. government, particularly in the sectors of military and intelligence. Palantir supports agencies such as the CIA and the Department of Defense and has played a prominent role in data collection during the COVID pandemic (see here). It is now at the forefront in AI technology (see here and here). The company’s involvement in AI-driven projects, such as the Maven Smart System, are directly responsible for enhancing military intelligence through the use of AI and transhumanism (see here).
Thiel is widely known for his influential role in JD Vance's political career, serving both as a mentor and a significant financial backer. He provided crucial support to Vance's 2022 U.S. Senate campaign, which helped propel Vance into the political spotlight (see here and here). Thiel has also been a significant backer of Donald Trump, endorsing him during the 2016 presidential campaign and maintaining a connection with him throughout Trump's presidency (see here). In terms of Thiel's personal life, it is noteworthy that he is openly gay and currently married to Matt Danzeisen, making Thiel's marriage one of the more well-known examples of high-profile same-sex unions within the Republican party (see here). Thiel has donated thousands of dollars to Minnesotans United for All Families in 2012 to fight a proposed ban on same-sex marriage (see here). Both Elon Musk and Peter Thiel maintain a longstanding relationship tracing back to their days at Paypal, which they both co-founded (see here).
J.D. Vance has recently converted to Roman Catholicism and credited Peter Thiel as influential in his conversion (see here). Vance was raised evangelical Protestant, but during his spiritual journey, Thiel introduced him to the works of René Girard, a French Catholic philosopher who promoted mimetic theory (see here). Girard was a close friend of Raymund Schwager, a Jesuit priest who integrated mimetic theory into the framework of Ignatian spirituality, a set of spiritual exercises taught by the Society of Jesus or Jesuits (see here).
Note: Peter Thiel co-founded Facebook with Mark Zuckerberg and was the primary financial backer of FB before it achieved financial success. He remained on the board of directors until 2022. Mark Zuckerberg has recently held a private meeting with pope Francis (see here).

Mark Zuckerberg & Trump
Why are Mark Zuckerberg and Donald Trump suddenly engaged in a very cordial relationship? Zuckerberg's recent visits to Mar-a-Lago to form a broader political alignment with the former president have come as a major surprise to many of Trump's critics (see here). Zuckerberg, who leads Meta (formerly Facebook), has made a notable pivot in his political stance by expressing his support for Trump's vision of national renewal and aligning himself with the reform movement Trump represents. This marks the second time a tech mogul and social media titan has chosen to actively align with the incoming president—Musk being the first. But why? Is it to form a new AI-driven, transhumanist technocracy, marking the end of liberty and the total enslavement of mankind by antichrist forces? The convergence of these influential figures, both with extensive reach over social media and transhumanist technologies, raises questions about their role in shaping the future political and technological landscapes in the incoming administration. But perhaps the merging of Trump with "Big Tech" is not really a coincidence...
Jack Posobiec & Trump
Jack Posobiec is a prominent conservative commentator and political operative known for his alignment with Donald Trump’s "America First" movement. A regular participant in many of Trump's political rallies, he is a staunch supporter of Christian nationalism and gained significant attention for his dramatic rhetoric, particularly during a speech at a church event where he declared, "Welcome to the end of democracy," while holding up a cross.
Posobiec and Charlie Kirk share a close friendship, with Posobiec being a member of Kirk’s Turning Point USA (TPUSA), an organization that promotes conservative values, particularly among younger generations. It is noteworthy that Kirk has advocated for Christian nationalism and promoted the idea of returning to a theocratic society (see here). His beliefs include the complete removal of the separation of church and state (see here). Kirk’s involvement in conservative political activism began after attending the Youth Empowerment Day at Benedictine University, a Catholic Benedictine institution in Illinois, which helped catapult him toward his later career (see here). Posobiec has attended Kennedy–Kenrick Catholic High School and is the former US navy Intelligence Director for Navy Expeditionary Forces Command Pacific (see here and here).
The most disturbing element of Posobiec and Kirk's push to end American democracy in favor of a theocratic society is the question of who will be in charge of this proposed church-state union? Will it be the Roman Catholic Church, such as we saw in the Dark Ages, where all dissent from "Mother Church" was deemed heresy and punished with execution? If so, this is precisely what the first European pilgrims sought to escape when arriving at the shores of this nation. They fled Europe seeking freedom from the oppressive grip of state-enforced religion—a freedom that became a cornerstone of America’s founding. I'm afraid that Rome's relentless pursuit to regain control over Protestant defectors—a campaign that has persisted for centuries—seems more apparent than ever with the incoming Trump administration. This fact alone should raise serious concerns among Remnant believers who don't subscribe to the mainstream evangelical church and her eccumenical partnership with Rome.
Kenneth Copeland & Trump
Kenneth Copeland has prayed over Donald Trump on multiple occasions, including at recent rallies where he was invited by Trump to give the opening speech. He was even praised by the president as being "one of the great men of our country". But who exactly is Kenneth Copeland? A prominent figure in hyper-charismatic circles, Copeland is widely associated with the controversial health, wealth, and prosperity gospel. He has faced accusations of financial misconduct related to his megachurch empire and has engaged in seemingly satanic rituals, such as performing a mock blood covenant during a communion service (see here). Most notably, Copeland has openly embraced ecumenical unity with the Vatican, including hosting a video address from pope Francis to his congregation, and then leading his congregation into a blasphemous chant of praise for the pope (see here starting at minute marker 40). Is it a coincidence that Trump is aligning with Copeland at his events and what direction will this ultimately take?
Trump's Brazen Support for the LGBTQ Community while President
On June 1, 2019, Donald Trump issued the following official statement from the White House: "As we celebrate LGBT Pride Month and recognize the outstanding contributions that LGBT people have made to our great Nation, let us also stand in solidarity with the many LGBT people who live in dozens of countries worldwide that punish, imprison, or even execute individuals on the basis of their sexual orientation. My Administration has launched a global campaign to decriminalize homosexuality and invites all nations to join us in this effort!" Trump's official endorsement of the LGBTQ community is a fine example of political doublespeak.
Jan. 6, A Day Preserved in Infamy, When Needed Most, Trump Abandoned His Followers

Donald Trump’s extensive career in acting and television made him the perfect figure to advance the elite's agenda while captivating the hearts of countless unsuspecting Christians. His ventures into scripted entertainment, including multiple appearances on WWE Wrestling—a world of staged fights—showcase his talent for performance and theatrics. As the host of The Apprentice, Trump cultivated an image of authority and decisiveness. Now, in his political life, Trump has donned a new face: that of a Christian champion. It is unfortunate that so many have been duped into believing this political facade, leaving them open to antichrist deception.
The Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade in 2022 was celebrated by many as a monumental victory for the pro-life movement. However, the outcome spells a different story—a whopping 11% increase in abortions across the United States has been recorded since this reversal (see here). Here's why. As a response to the ban, the FDA took unprecedented actions to expand access to abortion drugs across America. Notice:
"The FDA has taken several actions to expand access to abortion drugs since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022:
"Finalized a rule to allow more retail pharmacies to dispense abortion pills:
In early 2023, the FDA finalized a rule that allows more retail pharmacies to dispense abortion pills after they complete a certification process. CVS and Walgreens became certified to sell the drug.
"Reaffirmed the safety of mifepristone:
The FDA has reaffirmed that mifepristone is one of the safest drugs available on the market.
"Approved medication abortion for use up to 10 weeks of gestational age:
The FDA approved medication abortion for use up to 10 weeks of gestational age. It is used safely off-label at later gestations."
Oddly enough, the Supreme Court supported these actions in the case of FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, a ruling that bolstered the FDA’s authority and undercut efforts to restrict abortion access.
These developments raise serious questions: If the intention behind the Roe rollback was truly to curb abortions, why did the supreme court proceed to rule against the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, a well known pro-life organization at the forefront in the fight against abortion??? Are they truly attempting to curb abortion, or is it a mere facade? The fact that they stood behind the FDA and allowed such an impressive expansion in the access of abortion drugs should raise serious questions.
But is this example emblematic of a broader pattern of superficial “conservative victories” that fail to address underlying moral concerns? Such legislation may foreshadow other symbolic actions—like bans on pornography or LGBTQ+ policies—that appear conservative but lack enduring enforcement (see Project 2025 for reference). So will these measures foster a genuine return to moral and spiritual renewal, or will they serve as a symbolic precursor to centralized religious control reminiscent of historical eras dominated by institutionalized church authority?
The four-year break between Trump’s first and second term, marked by a Biden presidency, raises an important question: why didn’t we see a continuous eight years of Trump? The answer is relatively simple. After Operation Warp Speed and Trump’s unwavering support for the COVID-19 vaccine, many within the truth movement began to question his authenticity. Despite being approached by influential figures like Drs. Malone and Zelensky, who tried to educate him on the potential harms of the vaccine, Trump continued to support the "shot". This left many, including some of his staunch supporters such as Dr. Bryan Ardis, Stew Peters, and Dr. David Martin, publicly calling him out as a "sell-out" and a "fraud."
Adding to the disillusionment was the January 6th event, where Trump’s actions disappointed his loyal supporters. As hundreds of his strongest backers were arrested, Trump’s failure to defend them or even meet with key leaders in the aftermath fueled further distrust. This period of disappointment was a turning point for many. The subsequent four years of a Biden presidency helped to distance the public from the divisive memories of Operation Warp Speed and the pandemic. As time passed, and with the Left continuously attacking Trump, his image began to regain some of its former appeal, especially after several failed assassination attempts against him [which could have easily been faked]. However, the Left's attacks and the failed assassinations have had their desired effect. They galvanized Trump's supporters behind his cause more strongly than ever before. Republicans are now eager for what they view as a "second chance" with Trump, despite the controversies that once pushed them away.
Donald Trump’s presidency played a key role in advancing a variety of objectives that perfectly align with the broader Vatican agenda, such as the following:
Enacting Policies that Advanced the WEF Agenda: Early in his first presidency, Trump signed multiple executive orders that propelled the World Economic Forum's Great Reset agenda. This set a foundation for changes that would expand centralized control. For a deeper analysis of his role in this context, refer to the blog post I published in 2021, where I unpack these moves (see here).
Exploiting the COVID-19 Crisis: Trump’s support for the rapid rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine clearly aligned with the Healthy People 2020 agenda, spearheaded by the US government, the UN, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation all the way back in 2010. The global deployment of this vaccine, supported by both his administration and the pharmaceutical industry, was part of HP 2020's stated goal—to vaccinate 90% of the world's population by 2020 year end.
The Abrahamic Accords and the Interfaith Agenda: Under Trump’s leadership, the Abrahamic Accords were signed, recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This was part of a broader interfaith movement that may eventually lay the groundwork for the Third Temple and the one-world religion. This development alone has strong ties to the Vatican’s agenda, which Trump was able to further, particularly through his diplomatic ties with Israel and the Middle East.
Control Through Borders and Security: Trump’s focus on building a physical border wall may be part of a larger plan to create a "prison state" that could limit mobility and suppress dissent in times of crisis, particularly if things go awry in his second term. It should be duly noted that the incoming Trump administration plans to build giant prison compounds across Texas to house illegal aliens (see here). But could these serve a greater, more nefarious role in the eventual persecution of dissenting believers?
False Economic Boom and Economic Collapse: The so-called "economic boom" Trump is promising, predicated upon a fake and manipulated stock market, may lead to an even greater economic collapse, which will destroy the wealth of millions and facilitate the final stages of the great reset. It is easy to see how Big Tech will use this moment of crises as an opportunity to roll out a cashless society valued in digital money and AI infused transhumanist technologies that will lead to an unimaginable draconian era, which the Bible refers to as the Great Tribulation.
Digital Currency and Control Systems: Trump’s administration was heavily engaged in the push for central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), which represents a step toward the mark of the beast and widespread surveillance. This, coupled with the rise of AI technologies and microchips is part of the prophesied mark of the beast (Rev. 13).
Universal Basic Income and Dependency: The stimulus checks initiated under Trump represented the first steps toward Universal Basic Income (UBI), a key component of the WEF's vision for a post-crisis world. UBI would provide a means for governments to control citizens' purchasing power and dependence on state support.
A False "Back to God" Movement: Trump’s rhetoric often included appeals to faith, particularly among Christians, who believed his presidency was a divine favor. This aligns with a larger ecumenical push that seeks to unite all faiths, especially Protestants, under the Vatican’s authority, culminating in a powerful ecumenical movement under Rome’s leadership.
While these ideas may sound extreme to some, they point to a larger, strategic pattern that is often overlooked. If these moves had been proposed by a Democratic president, they would likely have faced massive resistance. However, with Trump, who presented himself as a populist hero, many of these controversial actions were met with less skepticism, allowing them to be implemented with widespread support.
The phrase "slow and steady wins the race" is a perfect description of the Vatican's methodical approach to regaining spiritual and political dominance. For centuries, the Roman Catholic Church has subtly advanced its influence, and today, its vision for a global ecumenical movement headed by the pope is finally at the point of being realized. Central to the Vatican's strategy is its rejection of the separation of church and state, a concept the Catholic Church has never embraced.
While much of the world's attention fixates on external threats like communism, radical Islam, or geopolitical rivals like China, the subtler, more enduring threat lies with Vatican Rome. Unlike other power players, the Catholic Church's influence is spiritual, cultural, and political—making its reach extremely pervasive and enduring.
The Vatican's push for a one-world religion, rooted in its ecumenical agenda, is at the heart of this strategy. Through initiatives like the Abrahamic Accords and interfaith diplomacy, the Vatican is fostering a false narrative of unity and peace. This effort transcends theological differences and seeks to create a global religious framework where Catholicism occupies a central position. Pope Francis’s outreach to diverse faiths underscores this ambition, positioning the Church as a unifying force amidst global turmoil.
The Vatican's collaboration with global elites and political figures like Trump underscores the convergence of religious and political agendas, where the promise of peace and prosperity serves as a Trojan horse for deeper control. The Vatican’s growing role in global governance reflects its intention to consolidate both spiritual and political power. Its influence in institutions like the United Nations and its partnerships with world leaders reveal a strategic plan to shape the future of global society. The Church's moral authority allows it to address global challenges like climate change, economic inequality, and migration while subtly advancing its theological and political objectives.
True Protestant Christianity, however, is a threat to Rome's agenda because it places God's Word above the authority of the pope. The ideal "Christian" for Vatican Rome is not one rooted firmly in Scripture alone, but one shaped by Church tradition, mystical experiences, and superstitions. Jesuit theologian Karl Rahner captured this vision when he stated, "The Christian of the future will be a mystic, or he will not exist at all." If nothing else, this statement underscores the threat of a state sponsored church that will not endure the opposition of those who get in its way.
Building on his first term’s alignment with the Vatican’s ecumenical and globalist agenda, Trump’s much anticipated second term will only accelerate those efforts. His actions, veiled as solutions to global and national crises, will set the stage for monumental shifts that align with end-times prophecy. Here’s what to expect:
A Temporary Economic Boom and Unprecedented Collapse: Trump will likely preside over a brief period of economic growth, marked by lowered interest rates and a surge in prosperity. However, this will be followed by the greatest economic collapse in American history, designed to consolidate power and wealth within the government's hands. The collapse will drive dependence on centralized systems like digital currency, leaving the population vulnerable to extreme measures of control.
False Peace Between Nations: Under Trump’s leadership, sudden peace agreements between Israel and Iran, and between Russia and Ukraine, will appear as miraculous breakthroughs. However, this peace will only be temporary, aimed primarily at accomplishing short-term objectives.
Abrahamic Accords: Paving the Way for the Third Temple: The second phase of the Abrahamic Accords will bring unprecedented cooperation in the Middle East, celebrated as a diplomatic victory. Yet, this will lay the groundwork for the construction of the third Jewish Temple, a significant marker in biblical prophecy concerning the antichrist.
A Counterfeit Christian Revival: A global "revival," spearheaded by Trump, will appear to restore Christian values. However, this movement will unify religious factions under an ecumenical framework led by Pope Francis, creating a one-world religion devoid of biblical truth. This revival will seduce many with its appeal to morality while leading them into spiritual deception.
Temporary Christian Legislation: Under initiatives like Project 2025, Trump will reverse many woke policies, giving Christians the impression that liberalism has been defeated. These victories, however, will be fleeting, serving as a smokescreen for the rollout of the mark of the beast.
The Universal Rollout of the Mark of the Beast: As the global economy transitions into a cashless society, Trump, in collaboration with figures like Elon Musk, will champion the adoption of digital currency, microchip implants, and Universal Basic Income (UBI). These measures will introduce the infrastructure for the mark of the beast, enslaving humanity to a system of control whereby antichrist worship is coerced.
Note: The preceding predictions are merely speculative and do not represent a prophetic declaration from God about the future. They are simply based on my educated analysis of current political developments and Bible prophecy. They may or may not happen, but are likely scenarios to be anticipated.
The Church must recognize the gravity of this moment. There may be only a brief window—less than two years—to prepare spiritually, emotionally, and practically for the Great Tribulation. False promises of peace and prosperity, while enticing, will lead to disappointment and devastating consequences. It is imperative to remain steadfast in the Word of God and discern the true nature of these unfolding events.
The Vatican’s resurgence as a global power is not a relic of the past but an unfolding reality. Its methodical strategies—blending church and state, advancing ecumenism, and leveraging alliances with influential figures—are reshaping the global religious and political landscape. The promise of a one-world religion under Vatican leadership, coupled with grandiose political assurances of a "golden age" by figures like Trump, should be critically examined. Beneath the surface of these optimistic promises lies a deeper agenda that could have far-reaching consequences for freedom, governance, and faith. The vigilant Christian will remain alert and discerning regarding these current prophetic developments.