The modern pulpit, having diminished the authority of the Holy Scriptures and lacking moral conviction, has spawned a generation of 'church-going minions' without any tangible discernment and utterly susceptible to every confusing lie of the dark side. Under the guise of spiritual enlightenment, Satan has effectively smuggled in one humanistic fable after another, gaining wide acceptance by promoting them as orthodox. In this atmosphere of skewed spiritual reality, "un-holiness" has been lauded as "liberty", "pride" has been mistaken for "humility", and "Biblical love" is viewed as "hateful bigotry".
The true disciples of Christ are often vilified as Pharisees, while "half-breed sin-defenders" are hailed as righteous. Is it any wonder that sometime in the not-so-distant future, the devil-incarnate will be broadly but mistakenly accepted as the Lord Jesus Christ Himself?
In the minds of the Biblically illiterate and truth-dead, the lines between the holy and the profane have become blurred. The homogenization of the spiritual and the secular is nearly complete. When God searches His church for moral excellence, He finds instead a twisted, sickening caricature of Christianity rooted in Humanism, Pop-Psychology, and moral relativism.
Beware, dear saint of God, the spirit of anti-Christ is thriving among us. He may be strumming a guitar or standing behind the pulpit in the "church" you attend next Sunday. Do not be deceived by his smooth words and charismatic demeanor. Seek the truth, discern the false, and remain steadfast in your faith.
What your seeing is true and is everywhere and is very big.
A great falling away is called “great” because it’s so big. As you put it, “the homogenisation is nearly complete.”