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Genuine Vs. Counterfeit Revival: Sniffing Out the Difference

Writer's picture: John AzizaJohn Aziza

Updated: Dec 2, 2024

What are the marks of true revival in the Church? Today, more than ever before, the Church of Christ is inundated with false spirituality. Much of the activity taking place in "churches" and labeled as the "Holy Spirit" is completely contrived by man or demonic powers. And while some of these things may appear harmless on the surface, they have power to bind us spiritually in a way that may take years to undo. For this reason, it's important that we learn to recognize the real work of the Holy Spirit as opposed to that which is not.

In the following excerpts from Shane Idleman’s article on false revival (highlighted in red), we will explore key principles that will deepen our discernment between the genuine and counterfeit forms of revival:

Christians are called to discern truth from err, light from darkness, and right from wrong ... but how? Jeremiah 23:17 offers one answer, They continually say to those who despise Me, The LORD has said, You shall have peace; And to everyone who walks according to the dictates of his own heart, they say, No evil shall come upon you.

False teachers often don't warn, confront or convict. They offer comfortable messages and a false sense of peace, or they mislead with rules and regulations as found in 1 Timothy 4:2-3—speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.

Jesus said in Matthew 24:24 that, false Christs and false prophets will appear and deceive many. Deception comes in many forms but centers around false hope or legalism. Not all leaders in experience-oriented movements are false and misleading. Many are sincere and open to the work of the Holy Spirit.

God's Word is the foundation on which all truth stands (cf. 1 Tim. 3:15). What is true revival then? Simply stated: a genuine revival is God reviving His people— Wilt thou not revive us again that thy people may rejoice in thee? (Ps. 85:6). Repentance is often a mark of true revival as what was reflected in the life of Griffith Jones, who preached during the Welsh revivals of the 18th century: 'The tears [of the congregation] began to flow in streams down their cheeks. Soon, they wept openly, and cried out, 'What shall we do to be saved?'' It was not uncommon for people to tremble and weep or shout for joy under the anointed preaching of George Whitefield. Whitefield was the primary evangelist during the Great Awakening that occurred in the mid 1700s. During this time, old grudges and debts were forgiven, morality improved, many were added to the church, and there was a greater sense of the fear of the Lord.

Those who use past revivals in an attempt to validate odd events today perhaps have not truly researched revivals. In reading the historical writings of charismatics and Calvinists, Pentecostals and Puritans, Acts and Azusa, as well as countless biographies of leaders such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox, John Wesley, Robert Murray M'Cheyne, Charles Spurgeon and D.L. Moody, and puritans such as Thomas Goodwin, John Bunyan, John Owen and Richard Baxter, nowhere do these leaders encourage the hysteria or the outright weirdness that we sometimes see today. Granted, there were times of strong conviction such as when people held on to trees thinking that they were falling into the abyss of hell during the famous sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," by Jonathan Edwards. And people did cry out to God, and/or fall on the ground under the strong conviction of sin during the revivals of George Whitefield, John Wesley and Evan Roberts, but this is because sin, righteousness and holiness were preached—falling down on his face, he will worship God and report that God is truly among you (1Co. 14:25). This is true revival.

Perhaps a balanced end to this article is found in an excerpt from Duncan Campbell's book, The Price and Power of Revival: ‘How is it that while we make such great claims for the power of the gospel, we see so little of the supernatural in operation? Is there any reason why the church today cannot everywhere equal the church at Pentecost? I feel this is a question we ought to face with an open mind and an honest heart. What did the early church have that we do not possess today? Nothing but the Holy Spirit; nothing but the power of God.’ Here I would suggest that one of the main secrets of success in the early Church lay in the fact that the early believers believed in unction from on high and not entertainment from men. So how did the early church get the people? By publicity projects, by bills, by posters, by parades, or by pictures? No! The people were arrested and drawn together and brought into vital relationship with God, not by sounds from men, but by sounds from heaven. The early Church cried for unction and not for entertainment.

Unction is the dire and desperate need of the ministry today. There is a desperate need to preach and proclaim God's Word with genuine power if we are to experience true revival. Without God's authority and power, words are lifeless.

Where are those with uncompromising power and authority in the pulpits today? The one thing that all of the great revivals in church history had is the one thing that we often lack—the genuine power of the Holy Spirit. The very thing that we need is the very thing that we are afraid of. Many do not truly want revival because of fear of what it may involve. A few years ago I prayed, ‘Lord, bring revival to the churches’—I was not ready for the response that followed. I felt impressed with these words: ‘You don't want revival—it will ruin your schedule, your dignity, your image and your reputation as a person who is 'well-balanced.' Men will weep throughout the congregation. Women will wail because of the travail of their own souls. Young adults will cry like children at the magnitude of their sin. With the strength of My presence, the worship team will cease playing. Time will seem to stand still. You won't be able to preach because of the emotions flooding your own soul. You'll struggle to find words, but only find tears. Even the most dignified and reserved among you will be broken and humbled as little children. The proud and self-righteous will not be able to stand in My presence. The doubter and unbeliever will either run for fear or fall on their knees and worship Me—there can be no middle ground. The church will never be the same again. Do you really want revival?....

The preceding article serves as a sobering reminder to exercise extreme caution around those attempting to manufacture revival through fleshly means. We must remain vigilant, always discerning whether there is genuine fruit when confronted with a so-called “great move of God.” In light of the spiritual dangers that abound, consider the following checklist as a guide to recognizing the true markers of any authentic work of the Spirit:

  1. Is there a strong emphasis on repentance from sin and a call to holiness? Revival cannot exist apart from brokenness over sin.

  2. Is there a palpable fear of God in the atmosphere, or is it filled with irreverence and superficiality?

  3. Are the leaders leaning on entertainment, comedy, rock music, and concert-style performances to draw crowds? If so, avoid it like a plague! The power of God is not found in gimmicks.

  4. Are people caught up in the emotional high of a “feel good” experience, or are they being driven by a deep love and devotion to Jesus?

  5. If spiritual gifts are being displayed, do they align with those described in Scripture, or are they extra-biblical manifestations? Counterfeit spiritual gifts often include things like being “slain in the Spirit” (falling backward), making animal noises, or engaging in bizarre behavior such as uncontrollable laughter or sticking out one’s tongue. While the Holy Spirit can fill a Believer with overwhelming joy (Act 13:52; Gal 5:22; 1 Pet 1:8), He never causes us to act foolishly or without self-control (Gal 5:23; 2 Tim 1:7). There’s a world of difference between joy in the Spirit and chaotic emotionalism.

  6. Are members being pressured to speak in tongues through unbiblical methods such as “repeat after me” or “just say whatever comes to mind”? Genuine tongues are not forced—they are a supernatural work of the Holy Spirit. The Apostles never manipulated people into speaking in tongues. The Holy Spirit “fell upon them,” and they spoke in tongues and prophesied as the Spirit willed. There is an enormous difference between man-made manipulation of spiritual experiences and the authentic work of God. Be wary of anything that seems forced or fabricated!

If you have ever been misled into participating in any of these counterfeit activities, repentance is crucial. It is strongly urged to renounce your involvement and turn away from such practices without delay. As you walk forward, immerse yourself in the Word of God, where you will find the wisdom and discernment needed to avoid deception in the future. Surround yourself with mature Believers who uphold sound doctrine and prioritize Christ above all else. Remember, the Holy Spirit's work is never forced, chaotic, or contrived—it is marked by peace, reverence, and the unmistakable presence of God. Stand firm in your faith, and pray for the courage to reject anything counterfeit while pursuing the genuine move of His Spirit with all your heart.



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