Back in December of 2020, I exposed the true nature of Donald Trump’s presidency. I also revealed that American presidents are not elected by the people, but instead preselected behind closed doors—"preselected, not elected". If you think your vote counts, it’s time to reconsider. The proof is right in front of us, and it’s clearer than ever that the electoral process is little more than a carefully orchestrated performance. What we’re witnessing isn’t democracy at work—it’s a facade, and it’s high time we wake up to that reality. Here's the evidence, as presented in my original blog from 2020:
Trump: Pre-selected or Elected?
With the recent presidential elections, many Republican Trump supporters have cried foul play over the vast amount of election fraud that tipped the election to Biden... and rightly so (see here). The evidence of fraud by the Democratic party is simply too great to ignore, as demonstrated by President Trump's recent tweet:
But here's the problem. The same Dominion voting machines that were implicated in the election fraud of 2020 were also used in the 2016 Trump-Clinton election (see here at minute marker 4:08-4:14). The truth is, there has been evidence for election fraud for many years now, as reported on in the following news headlines:
Politico 8/5/2016, How to Hack an Election in 7 Minutes
MSNBC News, 9/28/11, It only takes $26 to hack a voting machine
New York Times, 9/5/06, In Search of Accurate Vote Totals
MSNBC/Associated Press, 9/13/06, Princeton Prof Hacks E-vote Machine
USA Today/Associated Press, 7/13/06, Electronic Voting Machines Under Legal Attack
Washington Post, 6/28/06, A Single Person Could Swing an Election
New York Times, 5/30/06, Block the Vote
Wall Street Journal, 5/12/06, Reversing Course on Electronic Voting
Washington Post, 3/26/06, Election Whistle-Blower Stymied by Vendors
New York Times, 9/12/04, On the Voting Machine Makers' Tab
New York Times, 1/31/04, How to Hack an Election
It's obvious, then, that election fraud is nothing new, and the potential for rigging American elections is far greater than we may realize (see the hit documentary Uncounted for further proof). So, what does this mean for Donald Trump's 2016 victory? I'll let you answer that for yourself. But one thing is certain—the church must stop relying on political action for change and start following Paul’s prescription to “pray for kings and all those in authority” (1 Tim. 2:1-2).
Yet despite the preceding evidence, many Christians still believe we can choose our leaders through voting and then influence them through prayer. However, this assumption is simply not supported by Scripture. The reality is that we do not have the power to choose our own leaders through voting. Ultimately, God decides who will rise to power, based on the accumulated sin or righteousness of a nation (Prov 14:34). It is He who "removes kings and sets up kings" (Dan. 2:21), not the collective will of the people. God's sovereignty over the appointment of rulers is clear: He establishes and removes them according to His divine purpose.
Examples from the Old Testament only serve to further confirm this truth. The righteous leaders of Israel were not elected—they were chosen and anointed by God Himself, under a theocracy. Whether kings, judges, or prophets, none of these figures were voted into office. They were divinely appointed to their positions, not selected by popular vote. If God is indeed the one who raises up and subdues kings, and His decision is based on the spiritual condition of the nation rather than the number of ballots cast, then our emphasis should not be on voting, but on prayer. It is prayer, not the electoral process, that aligns our hearts with God's will and moves His hand in the affairs of nations.
Note: To learn more about the doctrine of "abstention from government" and why the Church is called to abstain from political involvement (i.e. voting) please click here.
Note: To learn more about the REAL Donald Trump and his actual political actions please click here.
Note: To view the full documentary "Murder, Spies, and Voting Lies", exposing the long and ugly history of election fraud in America please click here or see below.