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Writer's picture: John AzizaJohn Aziza

Updated: Dec 29, 2024

Is it possible that the United States is identified in Bible prophecy? Surprising as it may sound, it makes sense that the most influential and powerful nation in the world would play a significant role in the dramatic events leading to the close of history. But the surprises don’t stop there—Scripture also uncovers the purpose of this great nation in fulfilling God's end-times plan. In this study, we will focus on Revelation 13:11-18, which provides a prophetic snapshot of what America’s role will be in the days to come.

In Revelation 13, two major world powers are depicted as beasts. In Bible prophecy, "beasts" can represent kings, political systems, or empires (see Dan. 7:17, 23). So who is the first power? The beast with ten horns and seven heads (Rev 13:1-10) clearly represents the Roman Catholic papacy. Here’s a summarized overview of why we can confidently identify the first beast as papal Rome:

Similarities Between the 4th Beast of Daniel 7 and the 1st Beast of Revelation 13

Rises out of the Sea

  • Daniel 7: The fourth beast (Rome) rises out of the sea (Dan 7:3).

  • Revelation 13: The first beast also rises out of the sea (Rev 13:1).

Ten Horns

  • Daniel 7: The fourth beast has ten horns, symbolizing the division of the Roman Empire into ten kingdoms, which would eventually form modern-day Europe (Dan 7:7, 24).

  • Revelation 13: The first beast also has ten horns (Rev 13:1).

Seven Heads

  • Daniel 7: While not explicitly mentioned, the seven heads are implied through connections to other prophetic symbolism.

  • Revelation 13: The first beast has seven heads, symbolizing the seven hills of Rome (Rev 17:9).


  • Daniel 7: The "little horn" speaks great words against the Most High and usurps divine authority (Dan 7:25).

  • Revelation 13: The first beast is covered in blasphemous names, exalting itself against God (Rev 13:1).

Persecution of Saints

  • Daniel 7: The little horn of the fourth beast persecutes the saints, seeking to "wear them out" (Dan 7:25).

  • Revelation 13: The first beast makes war with the saints and overcomes them (Rev 13:7).

Global Dominion/Authority

  • Daniel 7: The fourth beast devours the whole earth, "trampling it down and breaking it to pieces" (Dan 7:23).

  • Revelation 13: The first beast has authority over every tribe, tongue, and nation, demonstrating global dominion (Rev 13:7).

Duration of Rule

  • Daniel 7: The little horn rules for "a time, times, and the dividing of time," symbolizing three and a half years (Dan 7:25).

  • Revelation 13: The first beast reigns for 42 months, the equivalent of three and a half years, based on a 360-day prophetic year (Rev 13:5).

Time of Rule

  • Daniel 7: The little horn's reign begins with the establishment of the papacy and extends until Christ's return, represented by an unbroken succession of popes throughout the church age. This era culminates in the final three and a half years of human history, known as the Great Tribulation (Dan. 7:11, 21-27).

  • Revelation 13: The first beast is depicted as ruling during the 42 months of the Tribulation period, directly preceding Christ's return (Rev. 13:5).

Connection with a Woman

  • Daniel 7: A woman is not directly associated with the fourth beast.

  • Revelation 13: The first beast is not directly associated with a woman either.

  • Revelation 17: The same seven-headed, ten-horned beast described in Revelation 13 is here depicted carrying a "harlot", symbolizing a corrupt religious system that influences and dominates nations (Rev 17:3-5).

Political-Religious Power

  • Daniel 7: The little horn of the fourth beast represents papal Rome, which blends political dominance with religious arrogance and persecution.

  • Revelation 13: The first beast represents papal Rome, which historically combined temporal and spiritual authority.

  • Revelation 17: The beast in Revelation 17 reflects the culmination of this power, depicted in alliance with a corrupt religious institution, the harlot— a persecutor of God's people (Rev 17:1-6).

Global Influence

  • Daniel 7: The fourth beast exercises dominion over the entire earth through its power and ferocity (Dan 7:23).

  • Revelation 13: The first beast wields global influence, with authority over all nations, peoples, and tongues (Rev 13:7).

  • Revelation 17: The beast in Revelation 17 is depicted as sitting on many waters, symbolizing its widespread influence over the peoples of the world (Rev 17:15).


  • Daniel 7: The fourth beast, including the little horn, is judged and destroyed by divine intervention, which occurs when the Ancient of Days (Jesus Christ) assumes authority over the kingdoms of the world (Dan. 7:26).

  • Revelation 13: The first beast meets its ultimate judgement at Christ's return when it is cast into the lake of fire (Rev 19:20).

  • Revelation 17: The beast and its allies are judged and destroyed in God's final judgment (Rev 17:14, 19:20).

Note: Please refer to the articles "Who is the Antichrist?" and "Who is 'Mystery Babylon?'" for a more detailed and comprehensive treatment of the above info.

A Notable Difference Between the 4th and 1st Beast of Daniel 7 and Revelation 13

While the two beasts previously described have many similarities, there is a very notable difference between them. Unlike the fourth beast of Daniel 7, the first beast of Revelation 13 has the combined appearance of a lion, bear, and leopard, making it a composite of the first three beasts in Daniel 7. This notable difference represents the following:

  • Lion: Babylonian influence, incorporating the Babylonian mystery religion that serves as the namesake for "Mystery Babylon" in Revelation 17.

  • Bear: Medo-Persian elements, particularly Mithraic sun worship, which has parallels in many Roman Catholic traditions.

  • Leopard: Greek characteristics, including Greek philosophies and theological concepts that were assimilated into the Roman Church.

This combination reflects papal Rome’s assimilation of pagan practices from previous empires, creating a unique blend of religious traditions masked as "Christianity". A prime example of this synthesis is the incorporation of the Babylonian "mystery religion" into Catholicism, as discussed in Alexander Hislop's The Two Babylons. Hislop’s work critiques how rituals and symbols from ancient Babylon were repackaged within Roman Catholicism, creating parallels between the idolatry condemned in Scripture and the traditions upheld by the church.

Rome's Ecumenical Agenda

Since Vatican II (1962–1965), the Roman Catholic Church has actively pursued an ecumenical agenda, aiming to unify all religions under the pope’s leadership. This drive for religious unity exemplifies the beast’s ecumenical mission, striving to create a "one world religion" where religious differences are subordinated to institutional harmony. Interfaith dialogues, partnerships with other religions, and initiatives like the Document on Human Fraternity signed with Islamic leaders, underscore this goal. The composite features of the first beast in Revelation 13 epitomizes this ecumenical outreach, blending the faiths of the world into a single system that aligns with Rome’s vision of spiritual supremacy.

The Globalist Vision

In addition to its ecumenical goals, papal Rome is deeply involved in promoting a globalist agenda, seeking to unite all nations under a single world government. This aligns with the Vatican’s strong advocacy for international cooperation, particularly through the United Nations. Papal encyclicals, such as Laudato Si, call for global governance to address issues like climate change, economic inequality, and peace—presented as moral imperatives that transcend national boundaries. The beast’s globalist aspirations mirror its spiritual ambitions, aiming to establish a "one-world government" that aligns political and religious authority under a unified system dominated by Rome:

"Washington.—The ninth annual conference of the Catholic Association for International Peace will be held in Boston April 6 to 8. The general theme of the discussion will be steps toward world government through the UN" St. Louis Register, March 1947 (see here).

A New Face for an Old Power

Unlike the purely political fourth beast of Daniel 7, which symbolized Rome’s brutal domination, the first beast of Revelation 13 is a fitting portrayal of Rome's new face of diplomacy. This transformation enables the pope to deceive the nations of the world through the use of eccumenism and globalism. Its composite nature reflects not only its historical inheritance but also its modern ambitions. In this way, the composite beast reveals the culmination of centuries of Rome’s influence, now evolved into a unifying global force.

The Second Beast of Revelation 13 Identified as America

Now that we’ve established the parallels between the fourth beast in Daniel 7 and the first beast in Revelation 13, we can shift our focus to the second beast described in Revelation 13. The following are a list of reasons why it's possible to identify the second beast as America:

  1. Appears After the First Beast

    Revelation 13:11: The second beast appears after the first beast, symbolizing the rise of the United States following the decline of European powers.

  2. Emerges Out of the Earth

    Revelation 13:11: The phrase "coming up out of the earth" is crucial because it sets this beast apart from the first one, which emerged out of the sea. While the "sea" in prophetic language represents regions with large populations (as in Revelation 17:15, where water symbolizes "peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues"), the earth represents a less populated area. This detail suggests that the nation symbolized by the second beast would arise in a relatively uninhabited part of the world from the perspective of John's day, pointing to a new world nation such as America.

  3. Lamb-Like Horns

    Revelation 13:11: Horns in prophecy symbolize kings, kingdoms, or governments (Dan. 7:24; 8:21), and in this case, they represent the United States’ two major political parties: Republican and Democrat. Unlike the crowned heads of the first beast, symbolizing Europe’s monarchies, these horns are uncrowned, reflecting America’s rejection of monarchy in favor of a Democratic Republic. The United States blends democratic principles, such as voting for representatives, with republican safeguards, including a constitution that protects individual rights and a system of checks and balances to prevent the concentration of power. Additionally, the "lamb-like" component reflects the nation’s foundation on the Bible and Christianity. This description is very important in correctly identifying the second beast.

  4. Speaks Like a Dragon

    Revelation 13:11: Although it appears "lamb-like," it speaks "as a dragon," indicating that despite its initial peaceful and democratic appearance, the United States will ultimately exercise power in a way that aligns with coercion and force, particularly in religious or political matters.

  5. Exercises the Authority of the First Beast

    Revelation 13:12: The second beast exercises the authority of the first beast (Rome), symbolizing the rise of the United States as a global superpower. This imagery reflects America's emergence as the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the modern era, paralleling the dominance and influence that Rome wielded in the ancient world.

  6. Causes the Earth and Its Inhabitants to Worship the First Beast

    Revelation 13:12: The United States, through its political and economic influence will support the papacy and promote policies that encourage adherence to global systems aligned with Rome, especially in relation to the ecumenical movement and religious unity.

  7. Performs Great Signs and Miracles to Deceive the Inhabitants of the Earth

    Revelation 13:13-14: The second beast performs great wonders, even "making fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men." This could refer to advanced secret technologies developed by the United States to bolster the pope's authority and global influence or to simulate the appearance of supernatural phenomena (think Project Blue Beam), leading to his eventual worship as antichrist. [Note: We believe the pope of Rome is the antichrist of Bible prophecy. See here for proof.] It can also be interpreted as a reference to America's promotion of movements that emphasize supernatural experiences over biblical truth, such as the Charismatic movement, the New Apostolic Reformation, and the prosperity gospel. These movements promote miracles and manifestations purported to be divine but are in reality satanic deceptions.

  8. Commands the Making of an Image to the First Beast and Gives it Life

    Revelation 13:14-15: As mentioned previously, the first beast represents papal Rome and its leader the popedescribed in Daniel 7 as the "little horn". The "image" of the beast could symbolically refer to the global televised broadcasts of the pope, as he delivers his special weekly messages to audiences around the world. The apostle John's description of an "image" appearing life-like and given "power" ("to give life unto the image of the beast") could be interpreted as an attempt to describe modern technology such as the television. It is noteworthy that in February of 2017, Pope Francis sent a message of peace and solidarity to millions of NFL fans from the jumbo screen TVs of the Super Bowl, the first pope in history to do so. This is one example of how the image of the first beast can be given "life". The United States could play a critical role in facilitating the pope's broadcasts and promoting his directives, even using its military to ensure compliance.

  9. Forces People to Receive a Mark

    Revelation 13:16-17: The second beast compels all people, "both small and great," to receive a "mark" on their right hand or forehead. This symbolic representation of enforced allegiance to religious conformity and antichrist worship suggests that the United States may provide global enforcement for international standards like the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or the implementation of digital currencies and implantable microchips under a unified global government. Note: For a deeper probe into the mark of the beast please click here.

  10. Economic Control

    Revelation 13:17: The second beast's power extends to the control of business and commerce, requiring individuals to receive the "mark" in order to buy or sell. This reflects the United States' influence over global economies, especially in its push for financial systems that facilitate global governance, such as digital currencies or economic sanctions.

  11. Global Influence

    Revelation 13:12-14: The second beast's actions are not confined to its own borders but extend worldwide, symbolizing the United States' political and military influence across the globe. The U.S. has historically projected its power internationally through both soft power (cultural, economic influence) and hard power (military intervention, alliances). It is especially noteworthy that the United Nations (UN), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Bank were all established between 1944 and 1945 within the United States, where they continue to maintain their headquarters. These organizations represent the New World Order's systems and structures and are deeply intertwined with the current American government.

  12. Persecution of Dissenters

    Revelation 13:15: The second beast has the power to cause those who refuse to worship the image of the first beast to be killed. According to this passage, the United States will be solely responsible for enforcing the antichrist agenda of papal Rome across the world.

Will Donald Trump Support the Papacy, Confirming America's Role in Bible Prophecy?

Donald Trump has clear connections to the Vatican. For instance, Trump received his education at Fordham University, where he was taught by Catholic Jesuits, and his children attended Jesuit-run Georgetown University (see here, here, and here). It’s no small coincidence, then, that many of Trump’s top appointees during his first term were also Roman Catholics (see here), and so it goes for his newly appointed cabinet (see here). This fact has prompted Brian Burch, president of, to issue the following statement:

“This is the most Catholic administration we've had in American history, both at a policy level and at a personnel level” (see here).

And on December 5th of this year, the Catholic Herald expressed very similar sentiments:

"President-elect Donald Trump has chosen to appoint Catholics to several key Cabinet and senior advisory roles. It’s led some to claim that as a result, this could prove to be the 'most Catholic' Cabinet and administration in the history of US politics." (see here).

Not surprising, even Melania Trump has recently confirmed her Catholic faith after meeting with pope Francis and praising his leadership. This makes her only the third Catholic first lady in American history, following Jacqueline Kennedy and Jill Biden (see here).

It is extremely significant that Trump's sister, Maryanne Trump Barry, who passed away in November of last year, had her funeral service at a Jesuit Roman Catholic ChurchSt. Ignatius Loyola in Manhattan. Thirteen priests participated in the service, including Jesuit Rev. Joseph “Joe” Parkes, who spoke of her as "a lovely woman" and emphasized her generosity, particularly towards the Jesuit-run schools. "She certainly helped the Jesuits out," he said, noting her extraordinary contributions (see here and here).

Note: To learn why the Jesuit connection to Trump is especially critical please click here.

The American Protestant Church Will Unite Behind Rome

In 2018, I released a YouTube video highlighting the ecumenical push within the American Protestant Church and its growing efforts to unite behind the pope of Rome (see above embedded video). Here’s the teaser I provided for that video:

"Watch as the biggest Protestant sellout in history unfolds before our very eyes! See stunning coverage of Together 2016, Azusa Now, The Gathering 2016, and Kairos 2017. Watch as many of the most popular Charismatic/Pentecostal leaders in America openly endorse Pope Francis and Roman Catholicism, and call for a collective return to Rome. This movement, which began with Billy Graham, has quickly gained traction across the United States, sweeping through numerous denominations and churches with a singular aim: to dismantle fundamental Protestantism and draw Believers back into the fold of Rome.

"This documentary examines the pro-Catholic, pro-Pope Francis views of leaders such as Billy Graham, Benny Hinn, Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, Kenneth Copeland, Ravi Zacharias, Nick Hall, Todd White, Wesley Campbell, Gordon Robertson, and many others. Their statements will astound you, and their prophetic visions and declarations will leave you speechless! But why is this so crucial? We firmly believe that the pope of Rome is the antichrist, and the evidence presented in this video is undeniable. Moreover, we argue that the antichrist's 'wound' is being healed through the deliberate advance of the global ecumenical agenda."


As demonstrated thus far, America is poised to play a significant role in Bible prophecy, especially within the context of Revelation 13. The unfolding of these prophetic promises has become increasingly apparent in light of current global events, which are set to advance much more rapidly under the presidency of Donald Trump. It is important to remember that prophecy speaks of a time when America will facilitate the creation and distribution of the mark of the beast, just as it is NOW doing, and will enforce antichrist worship. Therefore, the real-time fulfillment of the prophetic narrative is NOT coincidental as we witness key figures in the technological and financial sectors—such as Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Peter Thiel, and many others begin to align behind Trump. Moreover, these efforts are not isolated; rather, they are closely connected to the incoming administration’s greater agenda, as highlighted in my previous blog (see here).

The current convergence of religious, political, and technological spheres point to the rise of the same oppressive systems predicted in Scripture. As such, the global persecution of the Saints, particularly against Christians who resist this antichrist agenda, IS inevitable. It also confirms the prophetic warnings delivered by David Wilkerson in 1973:

"I see rising a super world church. I see the formation of a super world church consisting of liberal ecumenical Protestants and the Roman Catholic Church, joining politically hand in hand to create one of the most powerful religious organizations on earth. This visible super world church is going to be spiritual in name only; freely using the name of Jesus Christ, but will in fact be antichrist and political in many of its activities. ...Its leaders will make statement about meeting human needs. They will send out a call for action--political action and a greater voice in world affairs. Rome is going to insist upon and receive concessions from the Protestant ecumenical leaders. I see a large army of career people invading the most influential posts in this super church. ...These hirelings are going to be harassing and persecuting everyone who does not come under their religious leadership." (see here)

Dear Christian, are you ready to navigate this deeply prophetic season? If not, now is the time to focus on the essentials of your faith. Examine your life closely—are you truly walking in obedience to the commandments of Scripture? Does your daily walk reflect a life prepared for eternity? It’s time to stop relying solely on your pastor or others for answers and instead dive deeply into God’s Word—the ultimate source of truth. My heartfelt encouragement is this: prepare your heart and spirit wisely for the days ahead. The end of days calls for unwavering faith and spiritual readiness!

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