Our Vision
Back in 2015, our family experienced a severe season of testing. Our business collapsed due to circumstances beyond our control and our second to youngest daughter was victim to a debilitating health condition. To make matters worse, we were under investigation by Child Protective Services because we couldn't schedule regular pediatric checkups on account of our compromised financial situation. But what we didn't realize at the time was that this trial was a blessing in disguise. God was using these hardships to bring us much closer to Him and to motivate us to reexamine our life and spiritual condition.
During this time of crisis, something very interesting happened. The Lord began to minister to us through a series of prophetic dreams in which we were shown future events related to the end times and the return of Christ. These dreams made us realize that the world would soon experience God's judgement, as prophesied in the Bible, and that the Church was largely unprepared for it.
In the years subsequent to 2015, we've had many more dreams in which we were warned about the current developments that are now headline news. As a result, we are convicted that our time in this world is very short and that Christ, our Bridegroom, will be returning soon for His Bride. But prior to His return, the Church should expect widespread persecution of Believers in America and the rest of the “free world”. We should also expect the judgment events that we are currently witnessing to only increase and intensify like birth pains upon a woman in labor (Mat 24:8).
So how should God’s people prepare? No doubt the first and best line of defense is spiritual preparedness. Hence, the overwhelming content of this website is dedicated to helping the Christian become spiritually prepared. We believe that by eliminating sin from our lives and obeying God's Word, we will be properly equipped to face whatever comes our way as we faithfully follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. Most importantly, we should always be ready to stand before God on Judgement Day should our lives end unexpectedly.
But physical preparedness is also important. Many of God’s children may need to prepare to flee just as Christ warned (Mat 24:16). There is coming a time when American Christians will have to abandon their houses and lands in order to escape the coming tribulation events (Luke 21:36).
As part of physical preparedness, we believe God is calling us to set up a Christian community in a remote location where we can freely maintain our Christian lifestyle unaffected by the future antichrist economy, which we feel is near. To our knowledge, the best option for fulfilling this objective is in a warm tropical climate with lots of natural resources. In this way we can subsist off the land without having to rely on the conventional system for survival once the cashless society is upon us.
To be clear, we are not proposing living in a community with a common purse or non-ownership policy, which we feel is unscriptural. Neither are we proposing cult isolation and exclusivity. Rather we are looking forward to forming a free and vibrant community (and Church) where Believers can live in close proximity, work together, share with each other, and above all, enjoy intimate fellowship on a daily basis. Such a close-knit lifestyle will be essential for surviving the future tribulation period and the difficulties that will be present as a result.
So this is our vision and the burden of the hour that God has placed upon our hearts. Currently, we are actively working toward our goal and look forward to prayerfully enlisting other families and individuals as the Lord directs and brings this vision to fruition. If you would like to contribute to our efforts or feel called to join us in this work, feel free to contact us. We are looking ahead to what the Lord has in store for His people in the coming days.
In Christ,
John, Molly, & family